Unit 7: Discussion of Social Psychology in the Law & Business

Unit 7: Discussion of Social Psychology in the Law & Business

Unit 7 explores how the various social psychology principles we’ve studied in this course influence

1). the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, legal, and court processes and

2). business, including personnel selection, performance evaluations, leadership, work motivation, and economic decision-making.

Discussion of Social Psychology in the Law & Business

The focus of previous discussions has been to demonstrate what you know and understand.

For this discussion, your initial post should identify two things you don’t understand that you want help to clarify or areas where you want to deepen your understanding.

It’s easy to review the PowerPoint slides and read the chapters for general understanding without reflecting very profoundly on precisely what you do and do not understand.

I want you not to focus so much on knowledge and information this week but on application.

As you read the chapters, identify things you don’t understand very well or partially, how they apply to everyday life, what things you’d like to understand better, etc.

Social Psychology in the Law & Business

For your initial post:

Identify two things covered in the reading that are unclear to you or things which you want to develop a deeper understanding about

Provide sufficient detail to identify your point of confusion or interest

Give enough information to indicate your current understanding and the kind of help you want Indicate what specific type of help would be helpful (e.g., are you looking for an example, the experience of others as it relates to the issue, additional documentation, interpretations, opinions)

State what you see as the value and benefit of better understanding and exploring this issue, why it matters, and what’s the practical application in daily life.

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