UNCC300 Justice And Change In A Global World



Choose one of the issues listed below and write a opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realizing aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and especially globally.

  • misusing or abusing one’s role for personal gain/benefit or abuse (e.g., legal, economic, health sciences or educational contexts)
  • increasing rates of Type 2 diabetes
  • harassment in the workplace (e.g., schools, health care facilities/hospitals, corporations etc.)
  • climate change and negative impacts on health and/or wellbeing (e.g., legal, economic, educational, ethical or health related contexts)

General Instructions:

Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a challenge associated with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally.

The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue chosen from the list is, and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relates to the discipline area you are studying in.
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