Substance Abuse Prevention Plan

A Presentation of Substance Abuse Prevention Plan will provide you with a step-by-step explanation on how to solve this question. In doing so, the answer will be written properly, including the use of citations, and formatting. We encourage students to use this material as a studying guide.


Drugs to prevent;




Target Audience

The Substance Abuse Prevention plan targets teenagers aged between 13-20 years. Basically, the demography of teens in this age bracket are in 9th grade and above. The age group is curious and adventurous and relates drugs and substance abuse with rebellion tendencies.

Teenagers who normally abuse drugs and substance are transitioning into high school, experience problems at domestic level, and come from low-income families (Straussner & Fewell, 2012).

Other target audience for the prevention plan include;

}Health organizations

}Psychologists and counselors

}Law enforcement officers




}Youth organizations

}Business community

}Government socials services and related organizations



According to Redonnet, Chollet, Fombonne, Bowes & Melchior (2012);

}Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are common among teenagers.

} The teenagers transitioning into high school

}Most of the teenagers experience problems at domestic level and come from low-income families.

}Drugs and substance abuse is associated with delinquency behavior and criminal activities among teenagers.

}Drugs and substance abuse affects teenager’s performance at school and social interactions with people.

}Type of Prevention plan

The Drug and Substance Prevention Plan will integrate three methods; primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention plans (Holzemer & Klainberg, 2014; Pagliaro & Pagliaro, 2011).

}Primary:- The plan will include educating and counseling the teens on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Social activities will deter teens from early usage and abuse of drugs and alcohol.

}Secondary:- The plan will include special individual group therapy sessions, as well as parent/teachers counseling for teens already in early stages of drugs use.

}Tertiary:- This plan includes rehabilitation programs and treatment interventions for those addicted to drug and alcohol. The role of health organizations in this plan is vital.


}Description of Prevention Plan

Primary prevention plan:

}Lessons planned by teachers and counselors. The lesson has information about dangers of drugs and ways to prevent usage.

}The lessons to be integrated in the school curriculum.

Secondary prevention plan

}The school invites guest speakers from business community and law enforcement.

}The health organizations, government and socials services involved in training programs to prevent and educate about drugs and alcohol.

}Vocational training at churches and at youth organizations include drug and alcohol abuse prevention initiatives.

Tertiary prevention plan

}The Health organizations and rehabilitation centers will be involved in providing necessary tools in intervening and treating those abusing drugs and alcohol.

}Counselor will provide therapy sessions to teenagers addicted to drugs and alcohol.

}Teenagers will be provided with skills and information on how to reduce and avoid drugs and alcohol.


According to Holzemer & Klainberg (2014) and Pagliaro & Pagliaro (2011), the effectiveness of an integrated approach with primary, secondary, and tertiary strategies is effective because;

}Involves the necessary stakeholders like schools, community, government, and families.

}Provides a comprehensive plan on how to deal with early, interim, and late stages of drug and alcohol abuse among teens.

}Desired Outcomes

. Create awareness about drugs and substance abuse among teenagers.

}Develop a comprehensive plan that includes every person in the society towards preventing substance abuse.

}Provide teenagers with skills and knowledge about drug and alcohol and how to avoid the associated dangers.

}To reduce drug and substance among teenagers by 80 percent.

}Allow teachers and parents provide teenagers with the right social support mechanism and avoid drug abuse.

}Provide teenagers with alternative activities that prevent drugs abuse.


Holzemer, S. P. & Klainberg, M. (2014). Community Health Nursing. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Pagliaro, L. A., & Pagliaro, A. M. (2011). Handbook of child and adolescent drug and substance abuse: Pharmacological, developmental, and clinical considerations. John Wiley & Sons.

Redonnet, B., Chollet, A., Fombonne, E., Bowes, L., & Melchior, M. (2012). Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other illegal drug use among young adults: the socioeconomic context. Drug and alcohol dependence121(3), 231-239.

Straussner, S. L. A., & Fewell, C. H. (Eds.). (2011). Children of substance-abusing parents: Dynamics and treatment. Springer Publishing Company.


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