SNM639 Leadership And Change Management In Healthcare


You are expected to maintain patient confidentiality and therefore no reference is to be made to location of NHS provision or accurate details such as patient name and date of birth. (mention this in the first or second slide with NMC refeence)
You will need to compress your file to be able to submit it successfully. Please view and familiarise yourself with the following guidance:
If you experience any problems compressing your work please seek support from your tutor before the submission date. Unfortunately equipment failure or problems with technology are not acceptable grounds for non-submission. Therefore please check well in advance that you can understand the process, and that you know it will work.
The following is key guidance on the length, format structure and content of your submission. It is expected that you will follow this guidance closely. This will allow us to more easily assess your work, ensures that we can assess you and your colleagues in relation to consistent criteria and allow us to provide you with clear feedback. It therefore follows that departing from this criteria will lose you marks, or even mean that you are not successful in this assessment. Therefore, please follow this guidance exactly. If in any doubt, please speak with your facilitator/ personal tutor. 
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