Reflective Development Model of Supervision for Counsellors and Clinical Supervisors

It is important for counsellors and clinical supervisors to develop their own models for counselling and supervision. This assignment will help you to develop or become aware of your own personal philosophy/theoretical orientation of supervision.

(REFLECTIVE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF SUPERVISION) -Choose a supervision model you feel you would utilize as a supervisor. (REFLECTIVE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF SUPERVISION)

-Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing how you would tailor this model to meet the supervisory needs of the supervisor and supervise.

Include the following: EACH BULLET NEEDS A HEADER

-Discuss your beliefs and values that influenced your choice of this model.

-Describe the underlying tenets of the theory. -Explain the major strengths of the model.

-Explain the major limitations of the model.

-Describe why this model is a good fit for you.

-Describe how you would personalize this model to meet the needs of the supervisor and supervise.

-Format your paper according to APA 7 guidelines.

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