PNUR124 Practical Nursing Theory 2


Part A

This purpose of this assignment is to integrate newly introduced knowledge and research terminology with a student-identified, contemporary patient-focused clinical topic of interest within the nursing domain. The submission for this assignment has a maximum word count of excluding the cover page and references.  Total word count must be identified on the title page of the assignment submission. Copies of the two literature articles described in the submission must be submitted in printed copy at the beginning of the class immediately following the assignment submission deadline.  The structure of the submission is a written response to each of the prompts outlined in Table 1 below.

To help define a topic of interest, students are strongly encouraged to review two documents:   

  • NCLEX-RN Activity Statements from NCLEX Concept framework

Select client focused activity statements that would inform your practice at the nurse/client interface

  • Peterson, S.J.  Bredow, T.S., Middle range theories:  application to nursing research.  3rd Ed.  Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013

Focus on chapters 3 to 16 plus chapter 18

Electronic submission of this assignment via the course Blackboard site is required.

Part B

Focuses on the outcome of an evidence search in relation to the student’s, contemporary patient-focused clinical topic of interest within the nursing domain from the first assignment.  Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the topic may be modified.  The submission for this assignment has a maximum of five (5) pages including both narrated and tabulated text but excluding the cover page and references.    A one page appendix is also required.   Each of the ten (10) selected research articles must be submitted on an USB memory drive labeled with the student’s name.  The articles must be submitted in the order that the articles appear in the literature table and must be clearly identified with all APA reference information.  

The assignment submission must include:

  • identification of the contemporary, patient-focused clinical topic/question of interest within the nursing domain
  • a narrative description of the literature search and the search outcome; a one page appendix with a graphic depicting the search process and results must be provided
  • a literature chart detailing the ten (10) selected research studies.  Both quantitative and qualitative research studies must be include within the selected articles.   Table 2 provides the required format and content requirements for the literature table.
  • a concisely worded descriptive synthesis of the evidence regarding the topic of inquiry.
  • a concisely worded conclusion regarding the specific nursing research problem needing investigation to inform nursing practice

Electronic submission of this assignment via the course Blackboard site is required.  The USB memory drive must be submitted at the beginning of the class immediately following the assignment submission deadline.

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