Pharmacology 101 Homework Help

A Study Guide: NURS 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

Buy NURS 6521N Adanced Pharmacology Exam Answers

Question 21 Tylenol 325 mg/tablet, patient needs 650 mg; how many tables should patient take?

Question 22 A patient who has been admitted to the hospital for a mastectomy has stated that she has experienced adverse drug effects at various times during her life. Which of the following strategies should the nurse prioritize in order to minimize the potential of adverse drug effects during the patient’s stay in the hospital?

Question 23 A patient has been prescribed several drugs and fluids to be given intravenously. Before the nurse starts the intravenous administration, a priority assessment of the patient will be to note the

Question 24 A nurse is discussing with a patient the efficacy of a drug that his physician has suggested, and he begin taking. Efficacy of a drug means which of the following?

Question 25 A patient has been prescribed 1 mg lorazepam (Ativan) sublingual prior to the scheduled insertion of a peripherally inserted central (PIC) line. How should the nurse direct the patient when administering this medication?

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