A 30-year-old Jewish male presents to your office with a complaint of abdominal pain and distention, non-bloody diarrhea, mild nausea and vomiting. He has no prior medical history and has not had any surgeries. His mother has inflammatory bowel disease. The pain and diarrhea has been ongoing for the three months and he has lost 30lbs since its onset.

He is febrile with a temperature of 38.5°C. Examination reveals multiple oral aphthous ulcers, hyperactive bowel sounds, and a grossly distended, diffusely tender abdomen without an appreciable mass. Abdominal radiographs reveal multiple air-fluid levels in the small bowel with minimal colonic gas consistent with a small bowel obstruction. He had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and a biopsy was completed. The report in the chart shows the following: chronic granulomatous lesions with a cobblestone appearance surrounded by inflammation and ulceration.


  1. The clinical scenario is most consistent with which disorder? You may simply list your answer below using a bullet point format. This does not have to be in a complete sentence.
  2. What data in the clinical scenario supports your diagnosis? You may simply list your answers below using a bullet point format. This does not have to be in a complete sentence.
  3. What risk factor(s) led to this person’s diagnosis? You may simply list your answer below using a bullet point format. This does not have to be in a complete sentence.
  4. Describe the key pathophysiologic concepts. To answer this question completely, you must answer all of the sub-questions below using complete sentences. Each sub-question may be answered in 1-6 sentences.
    1. Which genetic mutation is associated with the development of the disorder identified in question 1?
    2. What is the most common site affected by the disorder?
    3. What is the pathological process which explains this patient’s weight loss?
  5. For what actual or potential complications related to the diagnosis in question 1 does he need to be monitored? You may simply list your answer(s) below using a bullet point format.  This does not have to be in a complete sentence.

Case Study Grading Rubric

Case Study Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Question 1
20 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: Identifies the primary diagnosis correctly. The answer may be listed using a bullet point format. A complete sentence is not required. A citation is not required.

10 pts


Provides a primary diagnosis but it is incorrect.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not answer the question.

20 pts
Question 2
10 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: Correctly identifies only that historical, examination and laboratory data which supports the primary diagnoses. Identifies all of the clinical data in the case which supports the primary diagnosis. Does not provide any extraneous data which does not apply to the primary diagnosis. Interprets all labs that are listed as an answer to this question. The answers may be listed using a bullet point format. A complete sentence is not required. A citation is not required.

8.5 pts


Provides 50% or greater, (but not all, of the historical, examination, or laboratory data which supports the primary diagnosis correctly. Or provides any amount of extraneous historical, examination, or laboratory data which does not support the primary diagnosis. Does not interpret labs listed in their answer.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not answer the question. or Provides less than 50% of the historical, examination, or laboratory data which supports the primary diagnosis correctly.

10 pts
Question 3
10 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: Answered the question correctly. All questions (if more than one) are answered correctly. The answer(s) may be listed using a bullet point format. A complete sentence is not required. A citation is not required.

7.5 pts


Answered the primary question and/or one or more of any additional questions (if more than one question is present) incorrectly.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not answer the question.

10 pts
Question 4
40 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: Describes the key concepts of the primary disease’s pathogenesis by correctly answering all questions. The questions may be answered using 1-6 complete sentences per each question. Citations are required for each answer to each question. Point deductions for missing citations will be applied in the APA/Organization/Grammar portion of the rubric.

34 pts


Describes 50% or greater of the key concepts of the primary disease’s pathogenesis correctly but not all answers were correct. Or 50% of the questions were not answers. Or Complete sentences were used to answer some of the questions but not all of them.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not answer the question. Or Describes 50% or greater of the key concepts of the primary disease’s pathogenesis incorrectly. Or Did not answer more than 50% of the questions. Or No complete sentences were used to answer any of the questions.

40 pts
Question 5
10 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: Has two or more correctly identified actual or potential complications.

7 pts


Has only one correctly identified actual or potential complication.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not answer the question or all answers given are incorrect.

10 pts
APA, Organization, Grammar
10 pts

Full Marks

All criteria must be achieved: A separate reference page is provided. All references are in APA format without any errors. No grammatical errors or typos are present. All questions in question 4 have an APA citation written correctly. Submission is well organized and easy to follow. Only professional references are used: Peer reviewed journal articles or textbooks. References are not greater than 6 years old. Complete sentences are paraphrased and not quoted. Does not reference course lectures/power points or concept maps.

7 pts


If McCance is referenced and the reference is not written as an edited book. Example is in the course overview. Or There is 1-5 APA errors. or There is 1-5 grammatical errors or typos. or 1-2 answers do not have an APA itation. or One or more references are not from a professional source. or One or more reference is older than 6 years. or References one or more of the course lectures/power points/concept maps. or Poor Organization and difficult to follow.

0 pts

No Marks

A reference list is not provided. or There are greater than 5 APA errors. or There are greater than 5 grammatical errors or typos. or There are 3 or more questions that do not have an APA citation. or No professional references were used. Or All references used were older than 6 years. or Uses 1 or more quoted sentences to answer any of the questions.

10 pts
Total Points: 100


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