NURS7012 Systematic Reviews Of Research


1. Background of the study

a. What is the health issue that provides the focus of this study?
b. Generally, what have been the result of previous studies of this issue?
c. What is the significance of this study?

2. overview of research design

a. What was the aim of the research?
b. What research design was used?
c. Describe the main characteristics of the research design identified?
d. How did the research design chosen meet the aims of the study?

3. samplinga.

a. What were the characteristics of the participants in this study?
b. What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample?
c. Why is it important to identify these criteria before recruitment starts ?
d. What sampling technique was used in this study?
e. How was this sample appropriate for meeting the research aim?


4. data collection

a. How were the data collected?
b. What , specifically, did the researchers do?
c. How did data collection fit the aim of this study ?
d. What might have been some advantages and disadvantages of this method of data collection?
e. From you understanding of the weekly reading, what if any , are some alternative methods of data collection that these researches could have chosen?

5. data analysis/ result

a. How was the data analysed?
b. Why is it important to select applicable methods of data analysis in qualitative research?
c. What did the researchers say about the rigour of their analysis?
d. What were the study finding?
e.Into which other setting can these findings be transferred?

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