NURS506 Health Care Systems And Health Policy



1. Montavlo, W., & Veenema, T. G. (February 2015). Mentorship in Developing Transformational Leaders to Advance Health Policy: Creating a Culture of Health.

The above cited article to discuss this week. The authors state that there are 3.1 million nurses in the United States and according to a study conducted by Dr. Lawrence Prybil only 2.4% of leaders involved in creating and changing healthcare policy were nurses (Montalvo &Veenema, 2015). They argue that the number of nurse leaders must increase “to guide and create system changes via boardrooms, policy debates, and within communities.” The authors believe that mentorship will increase the executive nurse leaders capable of creating and sustaining a national culture of health that will advance health equity. The authors discuss a grant that was given in New York to put on two nurse leader conferences that focused on mentorship. The goal was to have at least 150 nurse leaders agree to mentor for at least 1 year. They had 177 sign on for the task.

2. Northouse’s (2012) Chap 15 discussion on ethical leadership describes several theories supporting ethical leadership. Compare and contrast two of these theories, and give one example of how policy development could be influenced by ethical leadership.

Compare and contrast theories that stress the consequences of leader’s actions to deontological theory. There are three approaches to assessing consequences which include ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and altruism. Ethical egoism is when a person should act so as to create the greatest good for herself or himself. An example is when a company and its employees make decisions to achieve its goal of maximizing profits.
The second approach, utilitarianism, states that leaders should behave so as to create the greatest good for the greatest number. For example, the federal government allots an extensive portion of the budget for preventive health care.

Deontological theory focuses on the leader’s duty. It focuses on the actions of the leader instead of the consequences of her or his actions. Telling the truth, keeping promises, being fair, and respecting others are key to the leader’s moral obligations and responsibilities.

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