NURS434 Care Of Community And Mental Health Populations


The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Provide the student the opportunity to apply the nursing process (assessment thru evaluation) with a client who is experiencing a mental health problem.
  2. Provide the student an applied learning experience in regards to the therapeutic use of psychotropic medications.
  3. Allow the student to demonstrate their understanding of a legal, ethical, or political implication of mental health nursing care and health care disparities or inequities.
  4. Enhance the ability of the student to apply therapeutic interventions with mental health clients including, but not limited to, interviewing and listening skills, journaling, teaching, and group interactions.

During the mental health clinical experience, the student and preceptor/faculty will select one client to follow and complete the following:

  1. Conduct a psychosocial nursing assessment.
  2. Document the assessment in a concise professional manner using de-identified information per HIPPA
  3. Create a concept map for the client.

This will include:

a. nursing diagnoses

  1. evidence-based interventions
  2. formative evaluation
  3. Complete a medication profile for the client.

This will include:

  1. Generic and trade names and classification of each prescribed drug
  2. Indications and therapeutic actions
  3. Contraindications, side effects and special conditions
  4. Clinical indication for the specific client
  1. Evaluation of medication effectiveness overtime for this client (requires review in chart and monitoring of changes in dosing). Address any side effects your client experienced.
  2. Actual or hypothetical medication teaching (content; how you would teach and assess understanding in the client).
  3. Analyze one selected legal, ethical, or political implication of nursing care with the client. This will include:
  1. Citation of a law, or an ethical and/or position statement from a nursing organization.
  2. The implication(s) for the specific patient.
  3. Describe one health care disparity or inequity experienced by the client.
  4. Describe your role performance in the therapeutic relationship with the client.
  5. Describe your participation in the therapeutic milieu during this clinical experience.
  6. Describe your pre-conceptions of the client, and how those may or may not have changed over the relationship.
  7. Address how you facilitated the therapeutic nurse-patient partnership.
  8. Describe the obstacles and how you did or did not overcome them in the relationship, including an assessment of your boundaries with this client.
  9. Describe your comfort/discomfort with different communication and teaching techniques with this client. How did you meet them on their level?
  10. Identify one area for further growth within your role as a professional nurse in addressing mental health needs of clients in all care settings.
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