NURS4301 Health Research Methods


This is where you will justify the methods you proposed in the synopsis. You can use the recommended weekly pre-readings or the peer-reviewed journal articles you read to support your justification. The justification needs to be done on ALL the five areas listed below, and be done sensibly.

  1. Justification of your choice of quantitative study design against at least another quantitative study design: You can describe and provide details of your proposed methods mentioned in the synopsis section above in a paragraph, followed by your justification in another paragraph.
  2. Justification of your choice of sampling technique against at least another sampling technique: You can describe andprovide details of your proposed methods mentioned in the synopsis section above in a paragraph, followed by your justification in another paragraph.
  3. Justification of your choice of data collection method against another plausible approach, including comments on validity and reliability of the tools where applicable: You can describe andprovide details of your proposed methods mentioned in the synopsis section above in a paragraph, followed by your justification in another paragraph.
  4. Justification of your choice of descriptive AND inferential statistical analyses: You can describe andprovide details of your proposed methods mentioned in the synopsis section above in a paragraph, followed by your justification in another paragraph.
  5. Justification of your choice of Human Research Ethics Committee(s): You can describe and provide details of your proposed methods mentioned in the synopsis section above in a paragraph, followed by your justification in another paragraph.
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