NURS3046 Nursing Project


Emergency admitted

Patient information nausea and vomiting, abdomen is distended, poor skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, not urinated since yesterday, dizzy and week all evening he thought it might be the flu but decided to come in because the stomach pain were getting worse.

HR-130, Res-29, Bp-108/78, Temp- 37, spo2-90, skin turgor/cold

1. Identification of signs and symptoms of dehydration is specific to Stan and made clear through clear and concise discussions supported by evidence.

2. The indicators of hypovolaemic shock and the appropriate nursing care for a patientwith hypovolaemic shock is made clear throughclear and concise discussions supported by evidence

3. The nursing care and treatment for a patient with a small bowel obstructionis madeclear through clear and concise discussion supported by evidence

4. Discussion on what the lab results indicate for Stan’s condition is made clear through clear and concise discussions supported by evidence

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