NURS3003 Dynamics Of Practice 3


Case study about personal care needs and identify the role of the registered nurse in facilitating the resources and health care personnel required to address the specific health care need to advocate for the patient to stay at home not to go in an aged care facility in the Australian context.


Patient: Martin CHEN

DOB: 1/2/1941

Weight: 110 kgs

Height: 168cms

Family/significant others

Wife: Cathy, Two sons: Jason and Kenneth and two daughters: Mandy and Chu.

In 2005, Cathy died as a result of bowel cancer.

In 1997 Martin emigrated to Australia from Hong Kong with his wife and four children.

All of Martins children are now grown adults with children of their own. Since his wifes death in 2005, Martin has lived with his youngest daughter Chu who is a pharmacist and her husband Eric. Chu and Eric have two teenage children, Lily and Cherry.

Past medical history:



Trans ischaemic attack  2018

T2 diabetes mellitus (Last HbA1C 6 months ago= 7%)

Past family history

Father – Myocardial infarction age 52- deceased

Brother – Cerebro vascular Accident age 60- deceased


Non steroidalanti inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)



Lipitor (atorvastatin) 40mg daily

Metformin 1000mg daily

Carvedilol IR 6.25mg b.d.(commenced while in hospital recently)

Martin and his family have strong Buddhist beliefs. As Martin doesn’t drive, he attends the Buddhist temple in Adelaide when one of his children can drive him. Martin feels that the visits to the temple provide him with much needed time for meditation and relaxation. For many years, martin has contributed to the family by cooking and tending to the vegetable garden, although he prefers to eat take away meals himself.

Over the last couple of years Martins health has begun to deteriorate and Chua and Eric have become more concerned with his erratic behaviours. Martins ability to speak English seems to be getting worse and worse –he sometimes struggles finding the right words and understanding what people are saying. When this happens, he becomes quite agitated.

Over the past year or so, when the family is asleep, martin often awakens and cries out. He seems fearful and confused and thinks he is back in Hong Kong.

On a few occasions Martin has left the stove unattended, burning the food. Once Lilly and Cherry watched on in amusement as their grandfather carefully placed a   garden fork in the back of the freezer. Martin has become increasingly frustrated when he cannot remember the names of people and of common household objects. Recently Martin told Chua that the neighbour was poisoning the soil in their garden and deliberately killing some of the vegetables.

Chua and Eric have been wanting to take their daughters on an overseas holiday but feel that it would be unsafe to leave Martin alone in the family home.

Martin was recently admitted to hospital for a colonoscopy, however, he was formally admitted for five days because his blood pressure was extremely high. During his hospital stay, the nurses called three code black emergencies due to Martins aggressive behaviour when he was trying to leave the ward to go home.

Once Martins blood pressure and BGL levels settled, martin was discharged home.They also noticed a small ulcer on his L great which was dressed prior to discharge.

The essay should include

  • A brief introduction (no more than a small paragraph) informing the reader what is to follow is required, you do not need to provide the case study patient information in full. i.e. This paper will discuss.
  • Identification of your identified care need
  • Identification of resources, and associated care required for this patient (in relation to the identified care need)
  • An explanation of the role of the registered nurse in providing/assisting the patient to access the required resources and liaising with the required health care personnel.
  • A brief rationale as to the benefits of the patient either transitioning to home
  • A conclusion is required that sums up the main points of the content of your presentation and the reason/s why you believe that the patient will benefit from transitioning to home. (in relation to your specific care need only).
  • It is expected that you will support your assertions using up to date relevant evidence based peer reviewed sources as required. This may include a variety of sources including government and other online sites.
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