NURS2003-Medications Related To The Pathophysiology


Clinical Scenario 1 – Roger Wilson

Mr Roger Wilson is a 32-year-old man with a history of asthma who is currently a gym instructor, had seen his GP complaining of shortness of breath, fever, headaches and a productive cough over the past week. The GP has diagnosed Mr Wilson with a respiratory tract infection and has prescribed roxithromycin (Rulide) 150mg twice daily (BD). After taking the antibiotic for two (2) days, Mr Wilson has returned to his GP feeling much worse. A chest x-ray shows bilateral pneumonia and Mr Wilson was administered to hospital via the emergency department (ED).

Roger has a history of mild asthma, which he has had since childhood. His symptoms often get worse with exercise and he takes salbutamol (Ventolin) via a metered dose inhaler (MDI) for symptom relief. Over the past few months, Roger and his partner, Matthew, have been converting an old warehouse into a gym. During this time, both of them developed ‘flu-like’ symptoms, sore throats and chest infections. Upon arrival to the ED, Roger appears anxious and breathless.
Admission to the ED

On admission to the ED, Roger is sweating (diaphoretic) and flushed. He is alert and orientated but very breathless, with slight chest pain, which he rates as a two out of 10 on a numerical pain scale. He has a productive cough with green and malodorous sputum. Roger has never smoked and drinks only socially.
Discussion of (3) medications related to the Pathophysiology of the patient in the case patient.

• Identify three (3) appropriate signs/symptoms as related to the patient in the case study.

• Accurately explain these three (3) signs/symptoms as related to the patient in the case study.

• Display a clear, succinct understanding of the signs/symptoms and their connection to the pathophysiology of disease as appropriate to the patient in the case study.

• Identify three (3) relevant pharmacological (medications) interventions as presented in the case study.

• Accurately explain these three (3) medications as related to the patient in the case study.

• Display a clear, succinct understanding of the signs/symptoms and their connection to the pharmacology of disease as appropriate to the patient in the case study – including discussion regarding ADME. 
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