NURS1103 : NURSING Assignment


1. You are asked to think about the mental health status of the client making reference to the Mental State Examination.

Make sure you think about the Mental State Examination (MSE) here and not the overall mental health assessment structure. You will learn more about this in session 2. We want you to think about the present state / presentation of the client in terms of the components of the Mental State Examination such as: appearance and behaviours, affect, mood, thought form, thought content, perception, judgement and insight for example.
We also want to see that you can think about the client’s presentation with reference to the DSM V. You can do this by thinking about the specific criteria for diagnoses. Show that you can consider the criteria and how they may be relevant for this particular client in the case study. For example: you might want to suggest the client has depression or anxiety so show you have considered the criteria for depression or anxiety which are relevant and how.
2. Asks you to show your understanding, using literature, of the Stress Vulnerability Model.

You are also asked to think about 2 contributing factors where you should make reference to the case study and literature.
3. Asks you to show your understanding of the mental health recovery model / theory and to relate the recovery principles of respect, empowerment and hope to the client in the case study.

Ensure you relate your answer to the client in the case study and include relevant literature.
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