NURS1006 Introduction To Professional Practice


Question 1 – Discussed therapeutic relationships and explored the differences between a therapeutic and personal relationship. Did not identify the ethical issues related to the nurse-patient relationship or cite a relevant Australian nursing code. Did not identify legal aspects or relevant legislation. Written expression needs work.

Question 2 – The majority of the answer was extremely difficult to follow and understand. Did not discuss how the law views the power imbalance or what legislation is responsible for its regulation. Did not identify ethical issues or cite relevant Australian nursing codes.

Question 3 – Extremely difficult to understand and mark this section of work due to written expression. Did not identify the ethical issues, but did reference relevant documents.

Question 4 – Extremely difficult to understand and mark this section of work due to written expression. Discussion of how you would respond was supported by Australian nursing codes. Did not clearly identify the legal aspects of gift giving or cite relevant legislation.

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