Question 1
1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) influenced ethics in research by

a. Allowing participants to withdraw from research at any time.

b. Enhancing privacy standards for health information.

c. Protecting vulnerable subjects.

d. Regulating the types of drugs that could be studied in clinical trials.
2 points

Question 2
1. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was a violation of which standard of research ethics?

a. Fair treatment

b. Informed consent

c. Protection from harm

d. All of these are correct.

2 points

Question 3
1. A researcher is studying post-partum depression. She leaves her office with the computer screen on and several employees have access to the results of an individual’s answers on a depression scale. This best describes an example of a violation of which of the following human rights?

a. Coercion

b. Privacy

c. Protection from harm

d. Self-determination
2 points

Question 4
1. An undergraduate student receives a survey in the mail. The information included with the survey indicates the purpose of the study is to understand the stresses experienced with dorm life. The student later learns the survey was used to develop marketing information to market dorm life to prospective students. This is an example of

a. Coercion

b. Deception

c. Inaccurate informed consent

d. Invasion of privacy

2 points

Question 5
1. Neonates may participate in clinical research if

a. At least one parent provides consent.

b. It is a pilot study to identify potential issues with the methodology.

c. The research has the potential to enhance the probability of survival of the neonate.

d. The research is not a clinical trial testing medication effectiveness.
2 points

Question 6
1. Individuals in an outpatient cardiac clinic are recruited for a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a new beta blocker. Any individual may decide not participate without fear of affecting the current medical treatment best defines which of the following human rights?

a. Beneficence

b. Informed consent

c. Justice

d. Self-determination
2 points

Question 7
1. An individual who agrees to participate in a study has the right to fair treatment. This best defines which of the following human rights?

a. Beneficence

b. Justice

c. Privacy

d. Respect
2 points

Question 8
1. A researcher is recruiting elderly females in an assisted living center to participate in a study testing a dietary supplement to help prevent osteoporosis. The researcher explains that every attempt will be made to prevent any harm to the individual’s overall health if the supplement is taken with breakfast every morning best defines which of the following principles?

a. Beneficence

b. Justice

c. Privacy

d. Respect
2 points

Question 9
1. Individual information may be used in a study if there is a process to de-identify specific elements. Which of the following data would need to be coded so the individual person could not be identified?

a. Health plan beneficiary numbers

b. Medical record numbers

c. Vehicle identifiers including license plate numbers

d. All of these are correct

2 points

Question 10
1. A researcher is performing a study on the effects of biofeedback on blood pressure and treatment of hypertension. The level of protection from harm must be identified in any study. This study most likely would be classified as

a. No anticipated effects

b. Risk of permanent damage

c. Temporary discomfort

d. Unusual levels of temporary discomfort
2 points

Question 11
1. A benefit-risk ratio must be determined when designing a study. A research benefit could include all but

a. Compensation for participation in the study

b. Improvement in physical health

c. Increased understanding of the research process and the need for studies

d. Increased understanding of the health issue being studied

2 points

Question 12
1. A research team is preparing a report of the findings of their clinical trial on a new medication for treatment of parathyroid disease. A decision was made to eliminate ten of the subjects because their blood calcium levels were abnormal at week 10 of the study and resulted in non-significant clinical findings. This is an example of:

a. Beneficence

b. Fabrication

c. Falsification

d. Plagiarism
2 points

Question 13
1. A graduate student is preparing the proposal for his thesis and wants to use Watson’s Theory of Caring as the conceptual model for the study. He searches the web and finds a discussion of the theory and how it is applied to clinical research. He decides this is written very clearly and wants to use this information word for word in his thesis. This is an example of which of the following?

a. Fabrication

b. Incomplete disclosure

c. Nonmaleficence

d. Plagiarism

2 points

Question 14
1. Clinical studies utilizing human subjects must receive Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Which of the following information must be submitted to the IRB?

a. Data collection methods.

b. How participants will be recruited for the study.

c. The risks of participating in the study.

d. All of these elements must be included in the proposal.
2 points

Question 15
1. The IRB approves using information in a medical record data set as long as the patient identifying information is removed. What level of subject consent would be required before the researcher could access the data?

a. All potential subjects must be contacted and agree to have their data used.

b. None.

c. Partial: only the vulnerable populations must be notified their data is being used.

d. Partial: the subjects must all be notified that their data is being re-used.

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