NURBN2009 Health Promotion And Illness Prevention 2



Community- Wyndham (Werribee)

Illness: Asthma for age group 0-8

Section 1: Community Assessment and Needs Analysis.

This section will be the collaboration of all research and community profile information collated from research conducted. As a group, consider the following questions whilst developing your health promotion program. Think about the ‘Who, Why, Where, How, What & When’ whilst making your decisions. Remember to also utilise the information from LGA health & Wellbeing Plans and Priority areas of Local, State or Federal governments.

Question 1:

What evidence do you have from your community to specify the health issue and focus population for this program?

(What data tells you there is a problem here? Who is at risk?)


Question 2:

What social, environmental and behavioural determinants of health are contributing to this health issue? How?

(What is CAUSING this issue? Why?)


Question 3:

Are there any existing programs/policies etc., already addressing this issue in this community? If so, what are they and are they being effective?

(What is already being done? What gaps are there?)


Question 4:

What resources, assets or strengths does your community have?

(What can you use from WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY to help support your program?)



Section 2: Planning.

This section will demonstrate the considerations you have needed to make when PLANNING your program and what you want to achieve. It will include the processes you will need to put in place to achieve your goals, the objectives you wish to address in order to get there and any challenges you might need to be overcome? What cultural or political considerations might need to be made? Why you might make the decisions you have in terms of how you wish your program to appear or what you would like it to do for your target audience?

Question 1:

What is the SMART goal of your program?

This is the broad overall aim (long term changes) and who is your target population? – relates to outcome evaluation

(What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to achieve it?)


Question 2:

What are the objectives that relate to your goal? What strategies will you use to realise these? – relates to impact evaluation

(What changes do you need to make to achieve the goal?)


Question 3:

What are the actions or activities related to the objectives? What things will take place on the ground? – relates to Process evaluation

(What will you DO to make the changes?)


Question 4: 

What is your timeline? What challenges might occur in meeting your targets?

(How long do you need to make things happen?)



Section 3: Implementation

This section will demonstrate the considerations you will need to make to implement your program into your community. It will look at the framework you have based your processes on, the ‘Who, Where, When and Why’ factors that you need to address when presenting or delivering your program. You will need to consider the decisions being made as to how you wish to make the best impact through your program design.

Question 1:

What health promotion model or models is the program going to utilise and why?


(Eg: Health Belief Model, Stages of Change, Ottawa Charter, etc?)


Question 2:

What is the setting/supportive environment where your program will take place? Is this the most appropriate given your target population? Why?


(What venue/location will you use? How will it be accessed? What facilities are required, etc?)


Question 3:

What individual health education (or personal skills) need to be considered? What knowledge deficits do you need to address?

(What education is needed or gap in knowledge recognised? For Whom? Why?)


Question 4:

What other stakeholders need to be involved in your program? And why?

(Who else could be involved? How might they contribute?)



Section 4: Evaluation

This section will demonstrate your thoughts around the appropriate way to evaluate the effectiveness of your program. Evaluation of your program must be considered throughout the development, not just at the end to evaluate if it has been successful. Think about how you might continuously reflect on the processes being under taken in order to gather information and make your decisions. Consider the challenges you have to face to measure the impact of your program. Think about the strategies you have chosen in order to reach your goal, are they appropriate? How do you know? What changes may have been necessary along the way?


Question 1:

Outcome Evaluation

How will you know that you have reached your SMART goal?

(What tells you your intended outcome has been achieved?)


Question 2:

Impact Evaluation

How will you know when you have reached your objectives? Have your strategies been effective?

(What is telling you that changes have occurred?)


Question 3:

Process Evaluation

How will you assess that the actions or activities used have been effective?

(How will you know if what you are DOING in your program is effective?)


Question 4:


What formal/informal tools will you use to evaluate your program in terms of success or the effect on your target population?

(What resources will provide data or information regarding your program’s success?)



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