NURBN1005 Introduction To Research & Evidence-Based Practice


Read background information regarding the Commonwealth Government ‘My Health Record’ project.


My health record is a software, which treats patients, and keeps track of the information of the individual health record. It was seen in major cases the tendency of suicide is rated higher in the young generation. The main aim of the electronic summary is to reform the efficiency in the field of the health care system (Applegate, Austin & McFarlan, 2017).

The main aim of the report is to provide a basic outline by which the patient information can be stored in the new information system. The concept is very much beneficial in a way of keeping a track of the individual patient. .



My health record is an online summary of an individual information relating to health. The main problem, which is seen in this aspect, are as follows:

  • They take into consideration that patient overall health record of an individual. Two of the most common mental problem, which is faced by people, are depression and anxiety, although there are many other problems, which can be associated with it.
  • It can be stated here that the youth suicide in the local New South Wales between the age group of sixteen and twenty-five has been alarming and disturbing, this type of tendency is more seen in indigenous and local youth.
  • The main problem, which is faced in the aspect, is that the people often tend to visit more than one professional before they get the desired help they need to eliminate the problem they have. Soon, the people tend to get demotivated and tend to speak less about the problem due to the factor that they feel disheartened about the issue. This aspect makes it more difficult for the medical expert to get into the problem and resolve the issue.
  • Initially, the health record of individual person in the hospital department of emergency; the people can visit a general physician, a psychiatrist, a psychologist or any other person who would be resolving the problem. To get the appropriate treatment, the system captures the record in the first place so that the record is not altered; this mainly helps that the young people are facilitated more appropriately and precisely. The business analytics of the system has to find out ways to detect the scope of out of the project (Lim & Greenwood, 2017).

Consider that funding has been approved for a project to build a system that will capture the ‘story’ the first time it is told, and give access to successive professionals, so that case notes and the story can become enriched, and the young person can be assisted more appropriately. You are the business systems analyst assigned to the project, you will need to produce:

Stakeholder map

  • Draw stakeholder role names on a stakeholder map with 4 quadrants, Internal-Operation, Internal-Executive, External-Operation, External-Executive
  • For each stakeholder, describe why they have an interest in the project.
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