NUR342 Evidence Based Health Research And Practice


Themed Discussion Post 2A


Dementia is disturbance in thought process and memory by degenerating neurological (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2018). Alzheimer’s disease is a major cause of the dementia (Warren, Shi, Young, Borenstein & Martiniuk, 2015). In Australia, more than 1% population, 353,800 people, suffers from it and in the next five year the figure will be 400,000 (Renehan, Goeman, & Koch, 2017)). Shu Qin Li et al (2014) estimate 9% of people aged 65 or over have dementia in Australia. Similarly, the prevalence of dementia in Indigenous is 6.5% which is substantially higher than the general population (Shu Qin Li et al., 2014). Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013) reported that two-third of people identified with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease live in residential care. Moreover, 70% of people having dementia need high level of care (Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW), 2011). Lever et al (2016) highlight that due to the increased dementia cases, it is included in the National Health Priority Area. Thus, forty thousand qualified nurses are in demand in dementia care (AIHW as cited in Chenoweth et al., 2014).

Personal reflection  


I worked on an aged-care rehabilitation at Canberra Hospital in which more than 40% patients had mild to severe dementia. They were at risk of fall and had difficult behaviours such as refusing medications and personal hygiene.


I looked after a patient with dementia, turned on television and offered a cup of tea, the patient still refused to take medication and attain personal hygiene. Relating: what I learned from this event is that patient engaging techniques are crucial in nursing and clinical settings. Nurses who are competent in understanding dementia can deliver appropriate dementia care services (Traynor, Inoue & Crookes, 2011).


The incident taught me why the person-centered care is important along with engaging techniques when dealing with them.


In the future, I will complete e-learning on dementia care and watch YouTube videos on it and learn rapport building skills and distracting techniques.

Importance to nursing

Substantial increase in chronic diseases along with aging population, the demand for qualified nurses in clinical care, community and dementia-specific residential care has gone up (Australian Bureau of Statistics as cited in Chenoweth, et al., 2014). As dementia is not a normal process of aging; it is caused by chronic neurodegenerative disease that Writs individuals’ mental physical ability. Needs of the people are assessed, reported and liaised to multidisciplinary healthcare team by registered nurses. Thus, registered nurses have various roles in dementia care and clinical settings such as carer, advocate, leader and manager. By assuming these roles, the nurses promote health, work for disease prevention and enable patients to cope with disability or death (LeMone et al, 2017). Moreover, the nurses work with community to educate and aware people about dementia through focusing on person-center care. It is particularly important in Australia because of its multicultural contexts. Once migrants lose their cognitive ability due to the dementia and return to their native language, it is tough to understand their needs and deliver care (Soderman & Rosendahl, 2016). 
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