NUR342 Evidence Based Health Research And Practice 2


Case Scenario:

You are required to act your part as an Enrolled Nurse in an infection control committee meeting to discuss an incident that occurred in your ward:

Your client, Mrs Nan Hg who speaks very little English was found in her bed breastfeeding Baby of Mrs Hum Hg who shares a room with her in the Maternity unit. It was identified that Mrs Nan Ng has Positive Hepatitis B serology.

1. Identify the possible outcomes of this incident; especially for the infant. (three points with little explanation)

2. Identify the required follow-up for the infant, and possible services required to adequately cater for the needs of this family. (Five points with little explanation)

3. Provide a report to the management to ensure that individuals or teams are able to implement infection prevention and control practices.

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