NUR2300 Evidence Based Nursing Practice


Mr Patrick Drew is a 74 year old man (UR number 452342). He was referred by his GP to the neurology team for investigation and management of his Parkinson’s disease, dysphagia and falls. On assessment he demonstrated bradykinesia, gaze limitations (in all directions) a persistent unilateral tremor in his right arm, and a shuffling gait (with limited arm swing). His limb rigidity is ‘lead pipe rigidity’ but he also has ‘cogwheel rigidity’ in his wrists.

Discuss the following in relation to this case:

• Outline the incidence and prevalence of Ischaemic CVA OR Parkinson’s disease in Australia and compare this to another country of your choice.
• Critically discuss the assessment findings for the chosen case including neurological, sensory and motor assessment.
• Discuss the nursing and interprofessional care and management for the chosen case. Support this discussion with current evidence-based literature.
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