NUR2300 Evidence Based Nursing Practice


Part 1: Research essay

In this assessment task you will undertake a review of the literature to explore and provide critique of the evidence base surrounding an aspect of care. There are two options, you will only need to select one of these.

Option One:

The insertion of a central venous access device (CVAD) was an essential component of care for Joseph Russo; however, the rate of complications for this procedure is high. In this assessment task, you will undertake a review of the literature to explore and critique the evidence-base surrounding this aspect of care and argue what is considered best practice. Your essay will need to address the following specific complications experienced by Mr. Russo:  

  • CVAD (central venous access device) associated bloodstream infection –   how could this have been prevented?  
  • Occlusion –   how could this have been prevented? And now it has occurred, how could it be best managed?

Option Two: Admission to Intensive care units (ICU) places patients at greater risk of developing pressure injuries for a variety of reasons. In this assessment task, you will undertake a review of the literature to explore and critique the evidence

-base surrounding this aspect of care and argue what is considered best practice. Your essay will need to address the following specific areas experienced by Mr. Russo:

  • explore the factors which may have contributed to the development of this pressure injury and what could have been done to prevent the development of this injury.
  • Given the description of the pressure injury, how should this injury be managed?

Criterion 1

Demonstrates the ability to source, critique and apply the best available evidence to substantiate

clinical judgments.

Criterion 2

Selects and develops a plan of action (for prevention and management) and the plan is linked to the

patient context.

Criterion 3

Writes in a structured, succinct and well-informed manner, substantiating work with scholarly sources.





  • This is an essay, therefore, it requires an essay structure, it must have an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • The essay is to be written in the third person (not first person).
  • You must reference all sources and use Harvard referencing (you will be marked down for poor referencing).
  • You may use headings, but please ensure they do not disrupt the flow of your paper.
  • You have a degree of creative license when applying the evidence to Joseph – that is, you don’t have every detail relating to his case (this level of detail would take you forever to read and this is not the purpose of this assessment), for example you might read something which says that IV potassium can cause occlusion of CVAD’s (I’m making this up), it is probably feasible that this may have happened in ICU, however if you read that a particular chemotherapy drug causes high rates of occlusion, then we can safely acknowledge that this is not an issue for Joseph as he does not have cancer and is therefore not relevant.

 Part 2: Case Report 

In this unit you have been following the journey of Joseph Russo from the acute- care hospital setting to his return to the community.  

This assessment requires you to examine how care will be transferred from the hospital to his home. Joseph is being discharged home to the same suburb/town/city in which you live (or have undertaken your most recent PEP), and therefore you will need to seek information on services available to meet his (and his family’s) complex needs in your local community. You will need to consider the transfer of information between differing services during his care transition. Mr. Russo does not wish for his admission diagnosis to be disclosed or discussed.  

Criterion 1

Establishes goals and selects a course of action for transfer of care.

Criterion 2

Demonstrates and applies legal & ethical principles to decision making and incorporates a strengths-based approach.

Criterion 3

Considers culturally safe care in the development of a plan of action

Criterion 4

Writes in a structured, succinct and well-informed manner, substantiating work with scholarly sources.

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