NUR2101 Chronic Care Across The Lifespan A



Develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in managing patients with chronic conditions.

To prepare students to effectively manage chronic care within various health care contexts.

To develop students abilities to provide relevant information to patients about their condition with consideration of the patients individual needs and context for example, health literacy, developmental stage, culture and existing knowledge.

Objectives : 

Demonstrate an understanding of chronic illness across the lifespan and the wider impact on the individual, family, community including the needs of culturally diverse, disadvantaged, and vulnerable groups with chronic conditions.

Identify and examine the pathophysiological and pharmacological aspects of chronic disease management in alignment with the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases.

Examine the psychosocial impacts of individual adjustment in living with a chronic disease Identify collaborative models for care and health promotion and Information strategies in alignment with the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases.

Task Introduction:

You are provided with 4 case scenarios (located at end of this document) you only need to choose ONE (1) scenario to discuss in this assignment. In each of the scenarios the patient has both a chronic disease and a presenting condition, you may also identify other comorbidities which may be relevant to the patient.

Part A: Written Case Analysis Essay

In this essay you will analyse the case study you have chosen giving a brief description of the chronic condition and the presenting health issues for the person. This will give context to the patient Information resource you create in Part B.

Rationale for Part A: The case study analysis forms the background and research leading to the creation of a Patient Information Resource. Through this assessment students will demonstrate an understanding of chronic illness across the lifespan and the impact on the individual, family and community. Students will also have the opportunity to consider, through the assignment, the needs of culturally diverse, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups with chronic conditions.

What you need to include in your essay:

  • Identify both the chronic disease and the presenting condition.
  • Succinctly describe the pathophysiology, symptoms, anatomy and physiology associated with the chronic condition and the presenting issue.
  • Provide a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. blood tests, vital signs, x-rays, physiotherapy), associated with the patient’s condition.
  • Outline two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the chronic disease.
  • Briefly outline the developmental, cultural and health literacy considerations for the person in your case study. Developmental theorists have been identified in the modules on the StudyDesk, you are encouraged to use your recommended texts and library resources.
  • Describe three (3) priorities of nursing management for the patient’s chronic and presenting condition.

These may include nursing management, and/ or pharmacological /non-pharmacological management and/ or self-management.

Task Part B – Patient Information Resource.

The patient Information resource, can be written in the style of a pamphlet or hand out, or alternately, a blog or website article for the patient and family/ carer in your case study, about the chronic condition being experienced. It will describe what the condition is, and the care and self-management required to ensure a healthy lifestyle is maintained. You must consider the developmental considerations, cultural needs and health literacy of the patient in your case scenario and produce a resource that would be appropriate for their needs. All of the information for your patient resource you should have already covered in the case analysis essay, this resource requires you to simplify it and explain it in plain language for your patient. This resource only requires you to focus on the chronic condition.

Case Scenarios, please choose one.

Case Scenario Topic 1:

A 6-year-old boy with Cystic Fibrosis who has recurrent chest infections, and newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

Adam (6 year old) boy was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis soon after birth. He has recently recovered from a chest infection and is refusing to attend prep, due to increased fatigue. He has just recovered from his 3rd chest infection in 9 months and was hospitalized for 2 weeks. He often refuses treatments such as his daily nebuliser and physio routine. Whilst in hospital he was diagnosed with Cystic fibrosis related diabetes and the family is now learning to manage his insulin regime.

Case Scenario Topic 2:

A 42-year-old Type 1 diabetic male who has had his forefoot amputated.


Manny has been recently sent home from hospital however, the wound has not healed and is still draining haemo-purulent exudate. He is finding it difficult to complete his activities of daily living. Manny tells you (the community nurse), in times of stress he often has erratic Blood Glucose control. He has been prescribed an antibiotic called Keflex 500mg every 6 hours.

Case Scenario Topic 3:

A 76-year-old female with COPD and R) sided heart failure.

Gladys is attending the GP clinic complaining of increased breathlessness, wheeze and swollen legs. She is finding it more difficult to mobilise and is short of breath on completing activities such as bathing and walking 15 meters to her letterbox. Gladys is anxious and worried and is not sure what the GP means by heart failure or how it will be treated. She lives alone and her sons live interstate. She expresses concern about what this means for her future and how she will be able to cope.

Case Scenario Topic 4:

 45-year-old female nurse recently diagnosed with chronic pain from a back injury.

Raelene works in a rural hospital and has not been able to work for 4 months since she had a work place injury assisting a bariatric patient who had fallen. Prior to this Raelene had been getting pain and swelling in her hand and finger joints, affecting both hands. She has now also been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). She suffers from constant lower back pain and it is affecting her sleep and ability to carry out her activities of daily living. She is currently on alternating Panadol and Meloxicam. She has a history of chronic depression which had been well managed until the accident. Her partner is concerned that she is depressed but Raelene is reluctant to see anyone and access to services is limited.

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