NUR1201 Partnering In Care


The benefit of understanding the patient experience and partnering in care with patients/families to improve safety, quality of care and the patient/family experience.


Briefly describe the event and identify tworelevant themes of nursing care for this event/topic focus.


Evaluate your feelings as a nurse in relation to the patient care experience of Mr. Taylor.


Explain the values/beliefs that underpin your feelings as a nurse in relation to the patient care experience of Mr. Taylor.


Analyse the eventand provide justification for the use of ‘the patient experience and partnering in care’ as strategies to improve the patient experience, safety and quality of care (falls care/falls prevention care) for Mr. Taylor and older people like M. Taylor.

Conclusions drawn 

Discuss positive indicators for implementing the strategies: ‘the patient experience and partnering in care’ for the individual and their family and health organisations.

Action Plan

Select two ways to partner with older patients like Mr. Taylor and his family (other than one on one interview) and justify the choice of these two strategies selected.

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