NSG2NMR Nursing And Midwifery Research


1.Different reasons for undertaking research are provided below. Provide an example for each of the following reasons for undertaking research in a nursing context.
b.Hypothesis testing:
c.Trend identification:
d.Own knowledge extension:
e.Strengthen quality of own practice:
2.Identify any three (3) credible sources of information you could access during the research process.
3.Identify the trilateral principles underpinning evidence based practice.
4.Identify any three (3) models of evidence-based practice.
5.In your own words, briefly describe the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation (in 40 – 70 words).
6.Identify four (4) key rules of evidence in research process.
7.Briefly describe your duty of care requirements associated with evidence-based practice (in 50 – 80 words).
8.In your own words, briefly describe the key differences between evidence-based practice, continuous quality improvement and research (in 150 – 180 words).
9.In your own words, briefly describe three (3) ways a researcher could use to evaluate the validity of information sources (in 120 – 150 words).
10.Outline the steps involved in a research process.
11.In your own words, briefly describe three (3) cultural considerations for research (in 40-70 words).
12.In your own words, briefly describe three (3) ethical considerations for research.
13.Provide an example for how you would use each of the following processes to support analysis of information you gathered as part of your research.
a.Comparing and contrasting:
d.Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant:
e.Drawing interdisciplinary connections:
14.Briefly describe how you will assess the strength, relevance, reliability and currency of the information you gathered during a research process.
a.Assessing the strength of information:
b.Assessing the relevance of information:
c.Assessing the reliability of information:
d.Assessing the currency of information:
15.Briefly describe how you will assess the feasibility, benefits and risks associated with the information you gathered during a research process.
a.Assessing the feasibility of information:
b.Assessing the benefits of information:
c.Assessing the risks associated with information:
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