NSG2201 Clinical Care B Assignment 2018


Using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle:

  • Consider the patient situation
  • Collect the cues/information
  • Process the information
  • Formulate a care plan as instructed for 2 priority nursing diagnoses with 5 interventions with rationales & the expected outcomes.

His vital signs are stable & he is afebrile. He is due to be reviewed by the Neurology team today. He cannot walk to the shower or toilet. His mouth has mouth ulcers & is not eating his food. He is nauseated & has been vomiting.

  • Formulate a care plan as instructed for 2 priority nursing diagnoses with 5 interventions with rationales & the expected outcomes. 2 days later, the Neurology team think Mr. Green can go home. He is aware of where he is but has lapses in concentration & cannot finish his sentences. His fiancée is concerned as she works full time & he can’t even walk to the toilet.
  • Formulate a priority nursing diagnosis with 5 interventions with rationales & the expected outcome relating to discharge management.
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