NSB132 Integrated Nursing Practice 1


Using current and relevant evidence, write an academic essay to discuss the research related to the following points:
a) From Anna and George’s case study, identify all assessment data relevant to the chosen problem and interpret these in relation to underlying pathophysiology. Highlight the developmental similarities and differences in the signs and symptoms expressed by the cases.
b) Define what the goal for care related to the chosen problem would be (use the SMART framework to write the goal)
c) Choose TWO interventions (one must be a nurse initiated intervention) to address the goal for care and justify your choice by critically analysing the current evidence. Compare and contrast the interventions in relation to how implementation of the intervention would be modified to meet the unique needs of each case considering developmental differences.
d) Discuss how the implemented care would be evaluated for each case, physical changes that would indicate the intervention has been effective, and how subsequent assessment would be modified to ensure accurate data is collected and individual needs are met.

Scenario 1: Anna Hayes

Situation Anna Hayes is a 4 year old girl admitted today to the short stay ward with her mother for treatment of pain and further assessment of her hydration status.
Background Anna has been unwell with a two day history of vomiting and diarrhoea. Her mother brought her to the emergency department today because Anna is unable to tolerate any oral fluids and has had 3 episodes of watery bowel motions today and the small amount of water given to her was vomited up shortly after consumption. She has complained to her mother that her ‘tummy hurts’. Anna has no other relevant history and is up to date with her immunisations. No IV therapy is recommended at this stage but this will be reviewed by the doctor in 2 hours following a fluid challenge.
Medical History: Nil significant
Current medications: PRN Paracetamol suppository x 1 every 4 hours; PRN
Paracetamol oral syrup 8ml every 4 hours
Assessment data: Temperature 38.2 0 C, BP 88/50, HR 118, R 22, SpO 2 98% on room air,
Weight 16kg
Drowsy but rousable, cries when
woken Pain score 6/10
Lips are pale, tongue dry, no tears when she cries, capillary refill > 2 secs, complains of thirst, no urine output for 8 hour
Anna has been admitted to the short stay ward for observations and management of symptoms. Her mother Mrs Hayes is able to stay in hospital with Anna as her other children are being cared for by their father.

Scenario 2: George McAdams

Mr George McAdams is a frail, thin looking 85 year old man admitted to the short stay ward today for treatment of pain and further assessment of his hydration status.
George has been unwell with a two day history of vomiting and diarrhoea. He was brought to the emergency department by his wife today because George is unable to tolerate any oral fluids and has had 3 episodes of watery bowel motions today and the small amount of water that has drunk was vomited up shortly after consumption. He is also complaining of cramping abdominal pain and nausea. George is usually in good health although he is prone to postural hypotension particularly in the morning. No IV therapy has been recommended at this stage but will be reviewed by the doctor in 2 hours following a fluid challenge.
Medical History: GORD, wears glasses, uses a walking stick for stability when outside the home
Medications: Pantoprazole 40mg mane, PRN Paracetamol 500-1g every 4 hours (oral).
Assessment data: Temperature 38.2 0 C, HR 108 (irregular), BP 105/60, R 22 SpO 2 99% on room air
Drowsy but rousable to speech
Pain score 6/10; states he has abdominal cramping pain
Lips are pale, tongue dry, feels light headed when he stands up, capillary refill > 2 secs, no urine output for 8 hours.
Recommendations George has been admitted to your ward for observations and management of symptoms.
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