NRSG370 : Clinical Integration Specialty Practice


Part A – Online Module 1 & 2
1) Module 1: Safety OR Legal Issue:  Choose Only One and write on either Safety OR Legal issue You need to identify a safety or legal issue that you can write on.

? This needs to relate to the area of your speciality
Explore this in depth: This means you need to discuss the issue you have chosen either safety or legal issue in depth. This would include discussing the issue to reflect your understanding of this issue. Which should include what you understand by this issue and how it impacts on your scope of practice and care provision in view of your rights and responsibilities as nurse.

2) Module 2: Confidentiality:
You need to explore and discuss the dilemmas associated with providing information and maintaining confidentiality.
? What is confidentially?
? What are the implications and dilemmas legally and ethically?
? What impact does this have and what are the consequence for not maintaining confidentiality legally and ethically?
Part B – Online Module 3
Reflection using the Five
You are expected to review and give a reflection . You are expected to reflect on one of the reference articles you have used in Part
A, from a perspective of either:
? the patient/client
? the person caring for the patient/carer/or significant other
? the health professional
Your reflection is expected to include:
? How this has changed your perspective or has given you insight into the meaning illness has for a person and;
? How you relate to this and how you make meaning of it based on your own experiences.
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