NRSG257 Child, Adolescent And Family Nursing


Using evidence specific to case study, address the following two (2) points:
1. Describe the pathophysiology of the presenting complaint in the case study.
2. Evaluation of the nurse’s role to deliver developmentally appropriate nursing care in relation to your chosen case study.
• growth and developmental theories,
• family centred care and,
• the effects of hospitalisation of the child, on the child and family.
Anne is a 10 year old girl who has presented to the emergency department in the local hospital with right iliac fossa pain. On further assessment by the emergency registrar, appendicitis is suspected. The surgical team agree that the signs and symptoms are associated with appendicitis and take Anne to theatre for an appendectomy.
The handover on return to the ward is that the surgical team found a gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis. Anne has returned to the ward with a nasogastric tube in situ on free drainage, morphine PCA, IV therapy and triple IV antibiotics.
Due to the severity of the infection and the potential complications, Anne will need to remain in hospital for 10 days of IV antibiotics and pain management.
Anne is the oldest of five children and her parents own and run an Indian restaurant in the city
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