NRS 427V Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal


Write a report describing the Grand Canyon University Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal.

Answer to Question: NRS 427V Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal


The study proposes Grand Canyon University’s community teacher work plan.

This paper provides teacher experience and is included in the teaching work plan proposal (ZygmuntFillwalk, et al. 2014).

Grand Canyon University is a profit Christian research university that is based in the United States.

This University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in business, education, science and math as well Christian theology.

This particular assignment focuses mainly in the University’s healthcare offering (Flynn, Pillay & Watters, 2016.

Primary Prevention and Health Promotion

It is important for people to understand that health promotion or prevention mainly focuses on the act and keeping people healthy.

Both of them have plans that target practical ways to improve their health care.

These strategies are known to be primary prevention activities.

Health promotion is the act of motivating people to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as become self-managers (Smagorinsky, 2014).

Planning before teaching

Name and credentials of teacher:

Estimated Time of Teaching:

Teacher’s location:

You will need supplies, material, and equipment

Estimated costTopic:

Grand Canyon University proposes a community teaching work plan

Epidemiological rationale

There are many programs, policies, and other activities that promote health. All of these initiatives must be empowering, holistic, and participatory (Flynn Pillay & Watters (2016)).

As it reduces the impact of their environment and personal factors on health, health prevention programs can be used to assist communities and individuals.

According to Sicat (2014), health promotion fosters physical, spiritual, and mental health.

Nursing Diagnosis

It is well known that nursing diagnosis directly relates to health seeking and self care activities.

Activities include both self-care and program identification.

The program must be started to reduce stress and for people to seek information on medical treatment and disease process (Patton Parker & Tannehill 2015.

Ready to Learn

It is vital to learn at every stage in life.

Nurses need to be able connect with patients in an emotional and practical way. This will help them identify the problem more effectively.

It is important to learn with both students and professionals in order to make the most of your role as a social worker or member of a health care team (Nascimbeni & Burgos 2016).

Learners can also benefit from group learning by better understanding the limitations and responsibilities of the profession.

It is important to have a productive conversation with the social services team.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized

Salutogenic theory is mostly used to promote health.

Additionally, this theory is intended to enhance health promotion programs.

It primarily focuses on the person’s health, and not the disease.

This theory will help students solve future problems (Hord&Tobia, 2015).


The main purpose of health care promotion can be summarized as follows:

To increase the percentage of people with medical insurance

To increase the percentage of people with dental insurance (Altrichter und al., 2013, p.

To increase the amount of people connected to primary care providers

To increase the amount of people who worked as medical staff (Flynn Pillay & Watters (2016)).

The development of behavioral objectives that include content, strategic or methods.

Domain and behavioral goal


Strategies or methods

Each student in each group must choose a third student to help him name a healthy food. (Flynn Pillay and Watters 2016, 2016)

The food pyramid includes five main categories: seafood and vegetables, cakes, artificial sweetness, and pizzas.

It is a fact that unhealthy food can cause serious health problems.

Vegetables as well as sea foods are good choices for healthy eating.

A poster presentation interactive for the food pyramid

The teacher must explain on the poster which food categories are present.

Students are responsible for placing pictures of foods at the correct spots on the pyramid.

Students should learn about the major causes of disease.

Malaria, Cholera (Diphtheria), Measles and Cholera are just a few of the many diseases.

Cholera or Diphtheria can be caused due to bacterial infection (Patton Parker & Tannehill (2015)

Malaria is a disease caused by mosquitoes.

And measles is caused virus.

The chart lists both the cause of the illness and its symptoms.

It must assess the child’s overall health and determine if there are any improvements needed (Flynn Pillay and Watters 2016, 2016).

Students should focus on the importance and value of sports in their lives (Patton Parker & Tannehill – 2015).

There are four main sports: cricket, football chess, chess and carom.

Outside games include cricket and football

Indoor games include chess and carom

The prepared chart illustrates the significance and differences between indoor as well as outdoor games.

It is important to look at the sports that are enjoyed by children (Patton Parker & Tannehill – 2015).

Opportunities and Strengths of the Teaching Plan

It is well-known that nurses consider teaching as a rich pursuit. This includes sharing their clinical expertise and entering the profession of nurse with advanced preparation.

Teaching also helps students to be successful and help shape the next generation.

It is the practice that improves patient care management agencies, as well as units serving advanced practice roles (Flynn Pillay and Watters (2016)).

Community Teaching Experience

Community Teaching Experience

Personal InformationName:

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Phone (Residence).Phone (Mobile):

Email address

Current Position

Present TitleEmployer:

Address of the EmployerCity:State:Present Annual Salary:

Educational background

Name or location of institution



Teaching Experience


City and state

Year-specific years

Refer to Reference ListAltrichter, H., Feldman, A., Posch, P., & Somekh, B. (2013).

An introduction to action research for teachers in the various professions. Routledge.Flynn, M. C., Pillay, H., & Watters, J. (2016).

School-industry partnerships: crossing boundaries to make school-to work transitions possible.

Journal of Education and Work. 29(3): 309-331.Hord, S. M., & Tobia, E. F. (2015).

Reclaiming our teaching profession. The power of educators learning in communities.

Teachers College Press.Nascimbeni, F., & Burgos, D. (2016).

In search for an Open Educator. Proposal of a framework and a definition to promote openness among university educators.

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 17(6).Patton, K., Parker, M., & Tannehill, D. (2015).

Helping teachers to help themselves: Professional Development that makes a real difference.

NASSP Bulletin. 99(1), 26-42.Sicat, B. L., O’Kane Kreutzer, K., Gary, J., Ivey, C. K., Marlowe, E. P., Pellegrini, J. M., … & Simons, D. F. (2014).

To improve the teaching skills of faculty members in health science schools, a collaboration was established.

American journal on pharmaceutical education, 1978(5), 102.Smagorinsky, P. (2014).

An authentic teacher assessment: A two-tiered proposal to assess formative and summative skills. English Education, 46(2), 165.Zygmunt-Fillwalk, E., Clark, P., Clausen, J., & Mucherah, W. (2014).

Teacher Education: The Potential for Community Impact and Contextual Cognizance.

International Journal of Research on Service-Learning in Teacher Education. 2, 1 – 1.

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