MN501 Advanced Nursing Roles


Marketing Plan MSN-prepared nurses must be prepared to market themselves to others so that the key characteristics and contributions of their expertise and the role are recognized and valued in the healthcare environment.

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a marketing plan for your chosen advanced nursing practice role.

As you prepare this marketing plan, develop this presentation as if you were explaining the advanced nursing practice role to a potential employer who may be unfamiliar with the role. You will educate your audience on the value you bring to the healthcare team.

Examine the advanced nursing practice role for which you are being prepared (NP, Executive Leader, or Nurse Educator) and briefly describe the role including the history of the role, education and certification, and major functions of this role. Create a marketing plan to support your value to the healthcare team. You will need to look at the literature beyond nursing

Address each of the 4Ps to market your advanced nursing practice role. Investigate at least two of the Central and Core Competencies (i.e., Direct Clinical Practice, Guidance and Coaching, Consultation, Evidence-based Practice, Leadership, Collaboration, Ethical Decision Making) described in Hamric’s Integrative Model of Advanced Practice Nursing and how these competencies can influence and advance healthcare.

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