Major outbreak of hepatitis A associated with orange juice among tourists, Egypt.

Critical Review of Hepatitis A Article

Write a critical review of the following article addressing the following information:

• List your article in the format of an APA-style reference
• Provide a summary of the article
• Describe the methods used to collect and analyze data
• What were the findings / conclusions of the study?
• What are your own conclusions of the article? Provide a thorough critical review of your article addressing the following: ◦What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used to collect and analyze the data?
◦ What is your impression of the findings / conclusion?
◦ What do you feel is missing from the article?
◦ What do you feel could have been done to enhance the study?
◦ What else?

Article: Frank, C. et al. (2007). Major outbreak of hepatitis A associated with orange juice among tourists, Egypt, 2004. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(1), 156-158.

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