M2006 Nursing


1 What is the purpose of a social media policy?

2 What are the 8 principles of the Australian open Disclosure Framework?

3 For the characteristics / qualities listed in the table explain why they are important in a nurses communication:









Social conversation


Creating a therapeutic environment


4- When communicating with colleagues and patients/clients

a)    What information technology can you use?
b)    List the workplace policies you need to adhere to? (e.g. social media policy)  

5 What factors may

a)    Facilitate

b)    Inhibit

communication with a patient/client

6- Why are the following communication skills and processes important?



Interviewing technique


Active Listening


Conflict resolution


Interpersonal skills


Negotiating solutions


Group dynamics


Access and use of interpreters


7 What documentation are you required to provide during a clinical handover?

8 Your assessor will provide you with the core standards for nurses who support people with a disability.

a)  What is the purpose of the Communication and behaviour support for nurses practice package?
b)  What is the communication and behaviour support for nurses appraisal used for?

9 You have a patient/client who suffers from sensory losses; give an example of how you would communicate with them. 

10 Choose three principles of Open Disclosure and describe how you follow them

11 Give 10 examples of medical terminology you may use when communicating with a client, provide both the technical term and how you would word it to make sure a client understands?

12- What legal principles apply documentation in your work?

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