Leadership In The U.S. Healthcare

Analyzing Leadership In The U.S. Healthcare Delivery System

This course introduces the major historical and contemporary theories of leadership in the workplace with emphasis on the principles and application of leadership skills. The course will include the study of organization structures, principles, techniques and processes as they relate to practice in and management of health services and research organizations. Students should gain a better understanding of organizational behavior issues such as motivation, leadership, communication, interpersonal conflict, group dynamics, organizational structures, and meeting procedures.

Pick a topic in Health Care of interest. It can be in the field that the class member is currently working in or an area of special interest.

The paper should 1) describe the area of interest, 2) Critique the current leadership/management of the area and 3) most important – from the class readings and lectures suggest changes that would improve leadership.

The paper should be between 10-15 typed pages (double spaced) and include references.

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