HLTENN001 Practise Nursing Within The Australian Health Care System


There is two Parts:

Part 1

Requires about Florence Nightngdale answered according to requirements below:
1. A brief biography of your nursing theorist Florence Nightingdale

Summarise the theory and how it relates to modern nursing practice. Why is it important? What aspect of nursing care does it promote or assist? Ensure you include a brief introduction and conclusion.

2. Provide one example of the nursing theory and its use in research literature ie one example we were given was environment of patient , so we were asked to talk about how it makes them well , this was just an example we were given in class

3. Provide one example of how you may use the nursing theory in clinical practice

4. Write an individual reflective piece about the group assignment process. What went well? What could be improved?

Part 2 Reflective Report

Write an individual reflective piece about the group assignment process. What went well? What could be improved?

Ensure you include a brief introduction and conclusion.

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