HLTAAP003 Analyse And Respond To Client Health Information


G 1. List the main elements of the human body?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. Define homeostasis?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. Describe the difference between facilitated diffusion, diffusion and osmosis?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. Explain the difference between passive and active transport systems?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. Define and describe the difference between hypertrophy and atrophy?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Page 16 of 88

Document: HLTAAP003 Student

Assessment Guide

Date created: April 2017 Version: 1.0

Date implemented: Next review: April 2019 Responsibility: Chief Operations Officer

  1. Define and describe the difference between hyperplasia and metaplasia

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is the normal average range for a body temperature for the following age groups?
  2. a) Newborn
  3. b) Infant
  4. c) 10 – 14 year old
  5. d) Adult
  6. e) Older adult

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is inflammation and list the five (5) cardinal features of Inflammation?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. How could you recognise signs and symptoms relative to trauma (penetrating, blunt)?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is the average normal range for blood pressure in the following age groups?
  2. a) New-born
  3. b) Infant
  4. c) 10 – 14 year old
  5. d) Adult
  6. e) Older adult

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Page 17 of 88

Document: HLTAAP003 Student

Assessment Guide

Date created: April 2017 Version: 1.0

Date implemented: Next review: April 2019 Responsibility: Chief Operations Officer

  1. Define what Diabetes is? Your answer should include burden of disease, types of diabetes,

pathogenesis and pathophysiology, risk factors, and prevention.

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. Simon is 14 years old, admitted with severe LIR abdominal pain and fever, diagnosed with severe

appendicitis. If he were left untreated, what would the result be?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is the average pulse rate in the following age groups?
  2. f) New-born
  3. g) Infant
  4. h) 10 – 14 year old
  5. i) Adult
  6. j) Older adult

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is Hypertension and define the types of hypertension?

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

  1. What is the pathophysiology of Herpes Zoster (shingles)?
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