HLT54115 Diploma In Nursing


1. Identify two (2) rights and two (2) responsibilities of workers relevant to reviewing and improving own practice.

2. Identify two (2) rights and two (2) responsibilities of employers relevant to reviewing and improving work practices of employees. 


3. Why is it important for nurses to understand the effect of their values, beliefs and behaviours on their professional practice? 


4. Briefly describe the processes of professional reflection

5. Briefly describe how industry networking provides professional development opportunities for nurses 

6. Briefly describe how engaging with professional associations provides professional development opportunities for nurses 


7. Briefly describe and provide two (2) examples of the informal ways of learning and developing for nurses 


8. Briefly describe and provide two (2) examples of the formal ways of learning and developing for nurses . 

9. Complete the following table outlining the principles and techniques for:
• Creating a personal development plan
• Personal goal setting
• Setting realistic timeframes
• Measuring progress and performance

Activity Identify two (2) principles Identify two (2) techniques
a. Creating a personal development plan
b. Personal goal setting
c. Setting realistic timeframes
d. Measuring progress and performance

10. Provide three (3) examples of work methods that can help nurses to improve their performance


11. Briefly describe three (3) examples of work practices that can help nurses to improve their performance.

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