Ethical Dilemma Assignment

 Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma in Nursing 


Refer to the “Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma” resource for the dilemmas and resources that will be used for this multi-part Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma assignment. Part ONE is an individual assignment that will also be used in Part TWO, the culminating paper.

For this individual assignment, interview a hospital administrator, a spiritual leader, a health care colleague, or a neighbor/friend.

In your interview, ask about the individual’s philosophy and worldview in relation to the ethical dilemma of your choosing, which was:

[[      Dilemma 3: Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia

Confronting Death: Who Chooses? Who Controls? A Dialogue between Dax Cowart and Robert Burt

The Terry Schiavo Documentary ]]

Individually, you will need to interview all 4 (four) different individuals and perspectives to complete Part Three of the Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma assignment.

Make sure all roles are covered.

Craft a 250-500-word summary of the individual’s response, including the individual’s identified philosophy and worldview.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected

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