Epidemiology Codebook Questions

Assignment Instructions

a) Become familiar with the codebook and the variables included in the dataset.

b) Examine the distribution of a few of the key variables (i.e., PHYSHLTH, MENTHLTH, POORHLTH, and UNHEALTH) in the dataset. Calculate mean, SD, and 95% CI for each of the following variables by sex and race: PHYSHLTH, MENTHLTH, POORHLTH, and UNHEALTH. Use the module 4 assignment answer sheet to document your findings.

Answer the following questions
a) What are the mean, SD, and 95% CI for males and females on the following variables: PHYSHLTH, MENTHLTH, POORHLTH, and UNHEALTH? For Whites, and Blacks?

b) What are the differences between males and females on the following variables: PHYSHLTH, MENTHLTH, POORHLTH, and UNHEALTH?

c) What are the differences between races: PHYSHLTH, MENTHLTH, POORHLTH, and UNHEALTH?

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