Epidemiology Article Appraisal

The following questions are guide to your paper as these points should be addressed. These are all epidemiological concepts that we covered in the course but you are free to arrange them differently under sub-heading or stick to question answer format if you find it difficult.

1) Overview of the paper you selected.
-What is the issue addressed in the paper, is it important novel?
– What was the exposure or intervention? -What was the outcome?
-What was the study design?
-What was the study population?
-What were the main findings? Were the authors advise for future direction or about the study implication

The following questions are guide to your paper as these points should be addressed. These are all epidemiological concepts that we covered in the course but you are free to arrange them differently under sub-heading or stick to question answer format if you find it difficult.
1) Overview of the paper you selected.
-What is the issue addressed in the paper, is it important novel?
– What was the exposure or intervention? -What was the outcome?
-What was the study design?
-What was the study population?
-What were the main findings? Were the authors advise for future direction or about the study implication

2) Appraise the internal validity –
To what extent can the observed association between the exposure and outcome be attributed to non-causal explanations? Consider the following questions in your critique: -Are the results likely to be affected by biases including confounding,
-Are the results likely to be affected by chance variation? Are they clearly presented

3) Do you believe a causal association between exposure and outcome is plausible? Is the finding within the study consistent – has any interaction or special mechanism was illustrated/suggested

4) Appraise the external validity of the finding and the overall quality of the discussion section, -Can the findings be applied to the source population from which the study population was derived? -Can the study results be applied to other relevant populations?

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