Determine a Health Issue in the community that is part of the Health People 2030 focus

Take a walk or ride around a community of your choosing.

Look for specific factors influencing the health of that community as described in Chapter 2 and 4 of your book, and the example of the Windshield Survey below and on page 33.

You do not need to complete an entire windshield survey, but consider the components of the survey. ***textbook; ATI RN community health nursing, content mastery series, review module *** you can research my city if possible. city of Lowell Massachusetts, USA

This is an example of a windshield survey, remember you do not need to go this far in depth. Link (Links to an external site.)

Using your book and the Healthy People 2030 Website, determine a Health Issue in the community that is part of the Health People 2030 focus.

In a brief power point presentation, explore the issue and what nursing interventions you feel are needed to assist with this issue.

Describe the community and the issue. Include Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Care. Submit presentations online, in the discussion post so others may view.

We will then discuss next week. See rubric below. This is a helpful video on conducting a community needs assessment .

It is a bit more in depth than you need to go, but a good way to learn more about it. Link (Links to an external site.) “”please can you have the 825 words into 5pages or more””” Rubric Community Profile Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation is on time 5 pts Presentation is on time 3 pts Presentation is 1 -2 days late 2 pts

Presentation is 3 days late 0 pts Presentation is greater than 3 days late 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent is a Health issue focused on Healthy People 2030 goals 10 pts Healthy People 2030 goal is outlined and applied to community 6 pts

Some correlation to Healthy People 2030 3 pts

Health issue is loosely related to Healthy People 2030 0 pts

No relevance to Healthy People 2030 10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrimary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels of Care are outlined 10 pts

All 3 Levels of Care are outlined 5 pts

Two Levels of Care outlined 2 pts

One Level of Care is Outilined 0 pts

Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Levels of Care not addressed 10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style 5 pts

Mature writing. No spelling or grammatical errors 3 pts

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Congruent with topic 2 pts

Several spelling or grammatical errors 0 pts

Multiple errors in spelling and grammar, difficult to read 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of Creativity in presentation 5 pts

Graphics or pictures appropriate and original, show thought and correlation to topic 3 pts

Some creativity evident, some correlation to topic 0 pts

No graphics or pictures present 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format 5 pts

Correct APA format and references 3 pts

Few errors in APA format or references 2 pts

Several errors in APA format .

References not present or incorrectly formatted 0 pts

No use of APA format or references 5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of your community and why you decided on this 2030 goal 5 pts Full Marks 4 pts

Full Marks Discusses relevant observations of community using 1-2 community websites for data, discussion of identified goal as it relates to your community 3 pts

Partial Marks Lack of discussion of community needs, no website used for reference, lack of connection to your community 0 pts

No Marks No description of community, no discussion linking community to 2030 goal 5 pts

Total Points: 45

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