Death and Dying Homework Help

Reflect the Two Scenarios on Death and Dying

Scenario 1

Appendix F – Death and Dying

Due on:

Ticket to class:

· Place in appropriate folder the day before class by 1159 pm.

· No single word responses (at least 100+ words for each response)

· Give at least 1 example

· Cite resources, APA formatting (7th ed)

· Give the questions some thought and answer honestly

· Number your answers to correspond with the question

· Worth 12 points / 5%


1. What will be important to you when you are dying?

2. What limitations to your physical and mental health would affect the health care decisions you would make?

3. Would you prefer hospice care with the goal of keeping you comfortable in your home during the final period of your life, as an alternative to hospitalization?

4. In general, do you wish to participate or share in making decisions about your health care and treatment?

5. Would you always want to know the truth about your condition, treatment options, and the chance of success of treatments?

6. What are the most comforting and frightening aspects of dying? Give examples.

CriteriaMeets3 pointsMostly Meets2 pointsPartially Meets1 pointIncomplete/ Insufficient0 pointsCriterion Score
Thoroughness: 1) All components of questions answered 2) Answers relevant to topic 3) Clear logic and smooth transitionsNo/insignificant errors noted for all 3 components in all questionsPartially meets thoroughness requirement (for more than 50% of questions)Partially meets thoroughness requirement (for 50% or less of questions)Lacking all 3 listed components for all questions/3
Support for Answer(s): 1) References* included AND/OR 2) Examples provided *References REQUIRED for non-opinion-based questionsMeets support requirement for all questionsMostly meets support requirement (references/ examples provided in more than 50% of questions)Partially meets support requirement (references/ examples provided in 50% or less of questions)Void of references or examples/3
Mandates: 1) Meets minimum length requirementsMeets minimum length requirements for all questionsMostly meets minimum length requirement (for more than 50% of questions)Partially meets minimum length requirement (for 50% or less of questions)Does not meet minimum length requirement for any questions/3
Mechanics of Writing: 1) Correct spelling 2) Correct grammar/punctuation 3) Accurate APA format for citations and referencesNo/insignificant errors noted for all 3 componentsErrors in 1 of 3 listed componentsErrors in 2 of 3 listed componentsLacking all 3 listed component/3

Total /12

Scenario 2

Appendix E – Death and Dying

Due on:

Ticket to class:

· Place in appropriate folder the day before class by 1159 pm.

· No single word responses (at least 100+ words for each response)

· Give at least 1 example

· Cite resources, APA formatting (7th ed)

· Give the questions some thought and answer honestly

· Number your answers to correspond with the question

· Worth 12 points / 5%


1. Describe the location, age, and reasons most people in the United States die today. Use and cite resources.

2. What are advances in medical technology that impact chronic illnesses and ultimately dying? Give examples.

3. In your opinion, what is the difference between death and dying? Give examples.

4. Identify characteristics of what a good death might be for yourself. Include characteristics that are related to your culture.

5. What age do you wish to live to and why?

6. I do not wish to die before, but I do wish to die before…Support your answer.


CriteriaMeets3 pointsMostly Meets2 pointsPartially Meets1 pointIncomplete/ Insufficient0 pointsCriterion Score
Thoroughness: 1) All components of questions answered 2) Answers relevant to topic 3) Clear logic and smooth transitionsNo/insignificant errors noted for all 3 components in all questionsPartially meets thoroughness requirement (for more than 50% of questions)Partially meets thoroughness requirement (for 50% or less of questions)Lacking all 3 listed components for all questions/3
Support for Answer(s): 1) References* included AND/OR 2) Examples provided *References REQUIRED for non-opinion-based questionsMeets support requirement for all questionsMostly meets support requirement (references/ examples provided in more than 50% of questions)Partially meets support requirement (references/ examples provided in 50% or less of questions)Void of references or examples/3
Mandates: 1) Meets minimum length requirementsMeets minimum length requirements for all questionsMostly meets minimum length requirement (for more than 50% of questions)Partially meets minimum length requirement (for 50% or less of questions)Does not meet minimum length requirement for any questions/3
Mechanics of Writing: 1) Correct spelling 2) Correct grammar/punctuation 3) Accurate APA format for citations and referencesNo/insignificant errors noted for all 3 componentsErrors in 1 of 3 listed componentsErrors in 2 of 3 listed componentsLacking all 3 listed component/3

Total /12

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