CNA345 Professional Nursing Practice


Comprehensive course of action, which considers Joseph and his family’s care requirements.

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of, and application of the transfer of care and strengths based principles.

Demonstrates an excellent understanding of, and application of the transfer of care and strengths based principles.

Demonstrates a sound understanding of, and application of the transfer of care and strengths based principles.

Demonstrates a  basic/limited understanding of and application of the transfer of care and strengths based principles.

Communicates in academic writing by using coherent and cohesive planning.

Draws on a selection of  literature to inform and justify writing.

Accurately referenced the majority of sources using the Harvard style guide.

High level of academic writing with strong evidence of planning.

Discussion is consistently expressed in a clear and fluent manner.

Draws on a judicious selection of literature to inform and justify writing.

Demonstrates a sound understanding of the cultural factors which may impact on the provision of care for Joseph and his family.

Demonstrates a limited/basic understanding of the cultural factors, which may impact on the provision of care for Joseph and his family.

Accurately referenced all sources using the Harvard style, without error.

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