CHCECE020 : Knowledge Assessment


1.It is important to establish guidelines for children’s behaviour so that all educators are consistent. These guidelines must also be compatible with the cultural and social context of the families and community within which the service operates. Complete the following table by providing the aim of the regulation or standard.
2.Match the contributing factors to the example scenarios given in the following table.
3.Ruffin (2009) writes on the developmental stages of children’s social development, this knowledge should influence how educators establish and apply limits and guidelines for behaviour. Complete the following table.
4.Supporting and managing children’s behaviour: An early childhood resource. Produced by DECS Publishing R2196/2 p.15 Site behaviour code: In the reading ‘A site behaviour code supports positive outcomes for children, families, educators and the community” in the management of children’s behaviour

(a) How does the reading define a site behaviour code?

(b) List six ways the site behaviour code supports positive outcomes for children, families, educators and the community?

5.To complete this task, refer to the following reading:

  Developmentally appropriate child guidance: Helping children gain self-control. Mosier, W. (2009).

 (a) Why is it important to involve the children in developing guidelines and rules for behaviour?

 (b) How can you involve 3 year olds in a cooperative approach to developing guidelines and rules for behaviour?

 (c) How can you involve 4 year olds in a cooperative approach to developing guidelines and rules for behaviour?

 (d)Room rules can be reinforced through role playing, singing songs, and reading children’s books about the rules. Research one song or rhyme that           you could use with year olds to reinforce assisting with packing away. List the name and details.

6. It is essential that educators respond to emerging challenging behaviours in a timely and appropriate manner. List the six (5) ways educators can fulfil this responsibility

7. the ten levels of the Guidance Continuum that educators can use to support children while managing behaviour.

1 = least intervention       10 = most intervention

8.Explain the concept of ‘Mistaken Behaviour’ developed by Gartrell (2004).  

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