Case-Study-Cause Of Hepatic Failure

You are assigned to care for Mrs Smith, a 39-year-old who presented with severe abdominal pain and a brief cyanotic episode of syncope. She has a two-day history of nausea, vomiting, severe right upper quadrant and sternal pain with pressure radiating through to her back. Mrs Smith has a family history of gall bladder disease and has had an episode of cholecystitis three weeks ago which required an urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The patient reports that this pain is more severe than her previous attacks and came on approximately two hours after eating fish and chips two nights ago. Mrs Smith was given IV opioids for pain and an antiemetic for vomiting. One hour later, the pain continues, though it has eased and the vomiting has ceased. Her ECG is normal, her urinalysis was positive for leucocytes and her blood sugar level was 8.6 mmol/L. The results of her blood tests are still pending. Two hours later, while reviewing Mrs Smith you note that her face is pale, she looks nervous and upset and her hands are trembling. While checking her radial pulse you note that her skin is cool and clammy to touch—she is tachypnoeic and tachycardic. The patient informs you that she has never felt this unwell before. You recognise that the patient is rapidly deteriorating and you escalate her care and obtain all relevant clinical results. The blood results show elevated liver enzymes, consistent with fulminant hepatic failure. On discussion with patient and her family, it becomes evident that the Mrs Smith has self-medicated for several years and that her liver failure may be due to chronic overuse of paracetamol and codeine.
Briefly discuss the causes of Mrs. Smith’s hepatic failure and identify the aspects of her metabolic pathophysiology which need to be addressed to prevent further deterioration? Your discussion needs to include the rationale for providing on-going nutritional support.
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