92360 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health: Women And Babies


Contemporary Indigenous Health and Wellbeing


  1. Using the “Gibbs model of reflection” and the “cultural assessment tool” ABCD to underpin your answer discuss your own Attitude, Beliefs/ Values, in Context of this subject.
  1. Reflect on your values and beliefs and how this impacted on your decision making when interacting with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people before commencing this subject.
  1. Now review and analyse this subject and state how your decision making has been changed by doing this subject. Giving examples of Three (3)specific weeks of the yarning circle activities you participated in and how this impacted on you. g. the debates (naming the debate and what your involvement was) and the home visit to Judy, and your involvement with these activities.
  1. In conclusion how will this impact on your future nursing practice for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, embedding the Graduate Attributes and the RN standards, UTS Indigenous graduate attributes into your reflective essay. 
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