Write a paper: 401007 Approaches To Professional Nursing Practice


Students must refer to the article titled ’Coroner recommends changes after blood mix-up patient death’ and NSQHS Standard 2 – Partnering with Consumers for this assessment item.
They are located under the Assessments tab on the unit vUWS site in the Assessment 1 folder.
Reflect on this nursing-related event using the GIBBS Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988).
Students will write an appropriately structured essay that includes the following:
1. A comprehensive description of the critical incident.
2. An explanation of how the event made you feel and why it made you feel this way.
3. Evaluate the consequences of this critical incident for the health consumer (patient and their family).
4. Analyse the implications of this critical incident for your future nursing practice.
5. Identify and discuss new knowledge gained from this incident.
6. Develop an action plan to enhance your own learning from this incident.
The essay may be written impersonally in third person, but students may choose to write the reflection in the first person.
Students should note that they cannot reference a personal reflective statement about how they felt, any actions they took or decisions they made. However, if they refer to the concepts and theories of
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