400241 Supporting Aged Communities 2


Learning outcomes and their relationship to your course level outcomes can be found on the Postgraduate vUWS site.
Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below. Outcome
1 Explain the ways in which governments have attempted to structure health and community support services for older people and their families.
2 Analyse the impact of health and community support services for older people on national economies, public policy, health and community services, health staff, older people and their families.
3 Discuss the degree to which health and community support services for older people can evolve as complex, adaptive systems capable of self-organisation and co-operation.
4 Evaluate processes designed to enhance continuum in care – how these are funded, supported and managed.
5 Utilise theoretical models to analyse issues associated with reform agendas and policies focused on efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in aged care services, e.g change theory
6 Analyse the way that primary health care can be employed with older populations to enhance community capacity building and emancipation in health and community services.
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